"The more you love, the more you can love — and the more intensely you love.
Nor is there any limit on how many you can love.
If a person had time enough, he could love all of that majority who are decent and just."
-- Lazarus Long, in Time Enough for Love
Special Celebrations
In the past two decades, I have had the honor and privilege of officiating at weddings, funerals, baby blessings and namings, coming of age ceremonies, and many other services and celebrations. I consider myself blessed every time the opportunity presents itself for me to minister to those who seek and yearn for that which is Holy. I am not an intermediary between people and their Gods, but I provide a service whereby I can hold their hand and let them live in the moment, for just a little while, to better experience the Divine.
During my time at The New Seminary in New York City, I honed my skills as both a writer and minister, as part of the path I follow. I invite you to read some of my ceremonies, and hope that they give you as much pleasure to read as they gave me to create.
Wedding Ceremonies
I have crafted many wedding ceremonies over the years, and though some elements may be borrowed back and forth, they are all unique and beautiful. It is my joy to work with couples and bring out that which makes them a team, and to present that to the world in their own wedding service. The following are a handful of special services for you to look through for ideas. (Please note that these services are ones that I presided over, and the text reflects the genders of the people involved. Each service can (and should!) be tailored to the couple or group seeking to be joined together.)
Other Ceremonies
These ceremonies are unique, created by me to serve the needs of people who have asked for something special. Each represents several hours of research and writing, a spiritual task I perform with great love and devotion.
Other Writings
The Code of Ethics of both myself and The New Seminary are vitally important parts of my ministry, and I include them here for those who wish to see the basis of my personal moral code.
You can reach me at [email protected]. I will be happy to answer any questions you have. Please note, return email may take up to two days, especially if I am currently working on a celebration.
In the past two decades, I have had the honor and privilege of officiating at weddings, funerals, baby blessings and namings, coming of age ceremonies, and many other services and celebrations. I consider myself blessed every time the opportunity presents itself for me to minister to those who seek and yearn for that which is Holy. I am not an intermediary between people and their Gods, but I provide a service whereby I can hold their hand and let them live in the moment, for just a little while, to better experience the Divine.
During my time at The New Seminary in New York City, I honed my skills as both a writer and minister, as part of the path I follow. I invite you to read some of my ceremonies, and hope that they give you as much pleasure to read as they gave me to create.
Wedding Ceremonies
I have crafted many wedding ceremonies over the years, and though some elements may be borrowed back and forth, they are all unique and beautiful. It is my joy to work with couples and bring out that which makes them a team, and to present that to the world in their own wedding service. The following are a handful of special services for you to look through for ideas. (Please note that these services are ones that I presided over, and the text reflects the genders of the people involved. Each service can (and should!) be tailored to the couple or group seeking to be joined together.)
- A traditional wedding service.
- A pagan wedding service, known as a Handfasting.
- A secular ceremony.
- A Hellenic Greek marriage ritual.
- A non-legal Union for Three.
Other Ceremonies
These ceremonies are unique, created by me to serve the needs of people who have asked for something special. Each represents several hours of research and writing, a spiritual task I perform with great love and devotion.
- A Pagan baby blessing ceremony.
- A secular memorial service.
- A healing ceremony.
- A Native American inspired memorial/funeral service.
Other Writings
The Code of Ethics of both myself and The New Seminary are vitally important parts of my ministry, and I include them here for those who wish to see the basis of my personal moral code.
- The New Seminary's Code of Ethics.
- My personal Code of Ethics.
- My personal Statement of Ministry.
You can reach me at [email protected]. I will be happy to answer any questions you have. Please note, return email may take up to two days, especially if I am currently working on a celebration.