Samhain Ritual – October 31, 2013
Mark out the Circle boundary with stones at even intervals. Make certain that wine, fruit, and other items are all available at hand. Prepare the main altar, and the special West altar.
To start, all participants should be outside of the Circle. They can watch, silently, but not participate in the opening. A purification of the area should be done with sage before everything begins so that the opening of the ritual can go more quickly.
Initial Grounding / Preparation
(music: The Mystic's Dream by Loreena McKennitt)
HPS stands in the center of the Circle, athame in hands, raised above her head. She waits for everyone to come to silence, and for all lights to be extinguished. She speaks:
Before there was Light, there was only Darkness.
Samhain sees the ascendancy of that Darkness.
It is not evil, nor wrong, nor bad... It simply... IS.
It is Death, which brings about resurrection;
It is Sadness, which highlights our joys;
It is Quietude, which counterbalances our celebrations.
From the darkness, HPS lights one candle in the center of the space, then places the tip of her blade on the ground, and waits for a quiet moment in the music. She speaks:
In the name of the Ancient Source of All,
That which was from the beginning and is for eternity,
Before Male and female; Changeless and eternal.
In the names of our Triple Lady: Maid, Mother, and Crone,
and our Lord: he of Death and Resurrection.
In the names of the Mighty Ones of the Four Quarters,
the Lords of the Elements.
Blessed be this place, and this time, and they who are now with us.
Candle Lighting
(Music: The Child Deirdre by Mychael and Jeff Danna)
HPS lights a taper from the first candle (which is placed on the altar to become the Fire Candle), and goes around lighting each of the Quarter Candles in turn, then the Goddess and God candles, and then any others to be lit. As each is lit, she says:
Burn bright, through the night. Fill this space with Divine Light.
Incense Lighting
Fresh mint is crushed and dropped into heated water by the Maiden, who breathes it deeply. Then she speaks:
Be our prayers uplifted into the waiting arms of our Lord and Lady.
Maiden moves to the East to cense/sage people as they enter, and waits.
Water Exorcism
HPS dips her athame into the water and recites:
I exorcise thee, O creature of water, that thou cast out from thee all the impurities and uncleanliness of the world of phantasm. In the names of our Lord and Lady.
Salt Blessing
HPS dips her athame into the salt and recites:
Blessings be upon thee, O creature of salt; let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth from thee, and let all good enter within. Wherefore do I bless and consecrate thee, that thou mayest aid me. In the names of our Lord and Lady.
Combined Blessing
HPS sprinkles 3 parts of salt into the water bowl and recites:
Salt and water, where thou art cast,
No spell nor adverse purpose last
Without complete accord in me.
And as I will, so mote it be.
Circle Casting
(Music: Invocation by Lisa Thiel)
Done with the sword: HPS goes around 3 times – first at ground level; second at waist level; third at shoulder level.
This is a time that is not a time,
in a place that is not a place,
on a day that is not a day.
I stand at the threshold between the worlds,
before the Veil of the Mysteries.
(north to east) I cast this Circle, this sphere, out of time and space...
(east) cast with mental and magickal imagery...
(south) cast with passion and power...
(west) cast with emotional energy...
(north) cast in strength and stability...
This Circle of Power is a boundary
Between the world of mortals
And the realms of the Mighty Ones.
This Circle is a place of safety to meet and learn and love and mourn.
This Circle is a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. So mote it be!
Quarter Calls
Guardians of the East, Lords of Air;
Grant us knowledge, intuition, and inspiration;
Let new beginnings spring forth within us this Samhain eve.
We ask you to join us...
So mote it be!
(Ring bell, draw pentagram with incense, walk around Circle with it)
Guardians of the South, Lords of Fire;
Grant us energy, heat, and passion;
Let our Will push us forth this Samhain eve.
We ask you to join us...
So mote it be!
(Ring bell, draw pentagram with fire candle, walk around Circle with it)
Guardians of the West, Lords of Water;
Grant us creativity, attunement to the Mysteries, and love;
Let our emotions guide us well this Samhain eve.
We ask you to join us...
So mote it be!
(Ring bell, draw pentagram with water chalice, walk around Circle with it)
Guardians of the North, Lords of Earth;
Lords of Death, and Initiation, and Re-birth;
Grant us peaceful silence, grounding, and stability;
Let our minds soar, but our feet be firmly planted this Samhain eve.
We ask you to join us...
So mote it be!
(Ring bell, draw pentagram with salt, walk around Circle with it)
HPS shall cut a door and let people into Circle. Each shall be greeted and anointed with oil by HPS and saged by Maiden. HPS shall close the door when everyone is in.
Lord and Lady Call
HPS shall stand by altar and speak:
Oh Deathless Ones!
Gods of starry heaven, broad earth, and the great below,
Hear us, our Gods! Hear and attend.
Bless us with your presence,
and allow us to honor you, and be honored by you.
So mote it be!
HPS shall then walk to the center and speak:
Samhain is the night of the Dead, the night which, according to the Celts, was not truly a part of the rest of the year. Samhain eve is the night that is between the old year and the new. It is a time when the souls of those who have died in the past months finally pass on to the Otherworld. Because the Veil between our world and the next is very thin on this night, we can sometimes catch glimpses of the past, or the future.
To the west is an altar, containing some items that belong to our Sacred Dead. We will dance our way, from our world to theirs, to the Land of Tir Na nOg, where the threshold is thinnest. When we stop, each of you will approach the altar. Take a moment to pause and reflect on the life and joys of those you are celebrating tonight. If you wish, speak the name or a few words. Please keep this brief so that all may have a chance to participate. When you are done, follow my lead.
Spiral Dance
(Music: Defeat of the Red Branch by Mychael and Jeff Danna)
The Spiral Dance shall be performed, spiraling inward deosil, then outward widdershins, until the spiral becomes a circle, at which point the HPS will slow the dance, and stop. She will say her own words, then add herself to the end of the circle. The next person will go, and repeat this process until all are done. The dance will then start up again very slowly, spiraling inward widdershins and then out deosil once again.
(Music: Lullaby by Loreena McKennitt)
HPS will bring out the cauldron filled with water, with pennies in the bottom. She will arrange it so that candle light flickers off the water, and invite people to come forward as directed. She says:
On this night, as on Beltaine Eve, the veil between the worlds is thin. Samhain, All Hallow's Eve, is the night of mystery and darkness, and it is considered to be the Celtic “New Year” celebration. It is traditional on Samhain to practice forms of divination... tarot, runes, psychometry... and scrying. Scrying is a method of looking into a dark glass or bowl of water, defocusing your eyes, and letting your mind see what it will. Tonight, we'll look into the cauldron, as befits Samhain eve.
Stand or sit by the cauldron so that you can see within but can also see the candle light reflected off it. You should let your eyes relax, let them blur slightly, and gaze into the water. You should look beyond the water's surface, as if you were trying to see something deep inside. We'll take a few moments to do this. When you are done, step back and allow others to come forward.
Allow the scrying to go on for a little while. Don't let people get too cold.
HPS speaks of the season, of the time of Winter that comes. She says:
While the sun shone high and strong,
Earth our Mother labored long.
Soul and body she has blessed;
Comes now the time for Her to rest.
It is time now for the Mother to resign her sovereignty, time for her to step down. Winter is not her time, and winter is almost here.
For six moons, all that lives has rejoiced in Her radiance;
By her power the Earth bore fruit and the cattle grew fat upon the hills.
Bounteous was Summer's reign;
Harvest the golden grain
Ripened fruits are gathered in
Winter's food is stored within.
Yet autumn wind plucks leaf from tree,
From barren fields the caff blows free.
From summer's warmth to winter's cold
Now the Mother is growing old.
While leaf and branch prepare to sleep,
The red stags through the woods do leap,
When wind makes blood sing in the vein,
The time has come for the Lord to reign.
The Lady's harvest is gathered, her children grown, harvested, winnowed, set up. It's time for the darkness to triumph, and for Winter to rule the world once more. But the Lady's time is not ended in truth, because she is not only Mother, not just Maiden, but also the Dark Crone. The Mother is timeless in her own way, but the Crone is wisdom incarnate. It is She who holds the power of the darkness and the night.
Summer's golden time is done
With the waning of the sun;
After Winter's snow and rain,
Summer's joy will come again!
All that was prisoned is set free,
The season's cycle circles on.
Now is the power of change released;
As we have willed, so be it done.
Chalice Blessing
A male shall hold the athame, and a female the chalice, and so the blessing shall be done.
As the athame is to the male,
So the chalice is to the female;
And conjoined, they become one in truth
For there is no greater power in all the worlds
Than that of two people joined in the bonds of love.
Fruit Blessing
Fruit should be pomegranate and other seasonal fruits (apples, pears, etc.) in a bowl. HPS speaks:
We give thanks to the fruits of field and flower
Your sacrifice is not in vain.
Your death provides us with life
And your energy becomes our energy,
And we become you.
We pray to you to share with us what gifts you can,
And thank you, and honor you.
So mote it be.
HPS and couple should partake of the fruit and wine, and then share it with everyone else. Then the HPS will speak about those who have passed on, thus:
To those whose feet are stilled
And those who laugh with us no more
To you we say, our love was with you here
And goes with you hence
To that place where you rest and revel.
May the dark Lord and sweet Lady
Guide your feet along the rocy paths
To the place where all is fresh and green
And lovers, friends, and ancestors wait
With open arms to greet you.
Go in peace, and with our blessing.
Be rested and return when the Lady deems it fit
With the countless turns of the Great Wheel.
We shall miss you.
We shall meet you again in the green places of Her domain.
HPS shall gather everyone into a circle, holding hands, and lead them in the dismissals.
God and Goddess Farewell
Lord and Lady, we thank you for being with us tonight.
We ask that you bless each of us with comfort, love, and joy.
Through good times and bad, be with us, always.
And ere ye depart to your lovely realms, we bid you hail, and farewell.
Quarter Dismissals
Glory be to thee
Oh living ones of light
May we forever be
Upon thy path of right
Blessed be the ones we are within
Are now
And ever shall be.
So mote it be.
Circle Opening
(Music: Sons of Eisnech by Mychael Danna)
The Maiden shall take the Fire candle around the Circle once widdershins, then give it to the HPS. Another shall go around a second time with the sword. The HPS shall go last, carrying the Fire candle and extinguishing each of the other candles as she goes. When Fire is all that is left, she will return it to the altar and pinch it out. Stand for a few moments in the darkness before saying:
In darkness we began. In darkness we shall end. And so I say, all ye entities heregathered, I give ye leave to depart in peace. Stay if you will, go if you must. May the peace of the Goddess go with us in our hearts... Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again!
Mark out the Circle boundary with stones at even intervals. Make certain that wine, fruit, and other items are all available at hand. Prepare the main altar, and the special West altar.
To start, all participants should be outside of the Circle. They can watch, silently, but not participate in the opening. A purification of the area should be done with sage before everything begins so that the opening of the ritual can go more quickly.
Initial Grounding / Preparation
(music: The Mystic's Dream by Loreena McKennitt)
HPS stands in the center of the Circle, athame in hands, raised above her head. She waits for everyone to come to silence, and for all lights to be extinguished. She speaks:
Before there was Light, there was only Darkness.
Samhain sees the ascendancy of that Darkness.
It is not evil, nor wrong, nor bad... It simply... IS.
It is Death, which brings about resurrection;
It is Sadness, which highlights our joys;
It is Quietude, which counterbalances our celebrations.
From the darkness, HPS lights one candle in the center of the space, then places the tip of her blade on the ground, and waits for a quiet moment in the music. She speaks:
In the name of the Ancient Source of All,
That which was from the beginning and is for eternity,
Before Male and female; Changeless and eternal.
In the names of our Triple Lady: Maid, Mother, and Crone,
and our Lord: he of Death and Resurrection.
In the names of the Mighty Ones of the Four Quarters,
the Lords of the Elements.
Blessed be this place, and this time, and they who are now with us.
Candle Lighting
(Music: The Child Deirdre by Mychael and Jeff Danna)
HPS lights a taper from the first candle (which is placed on the altar to become the Fire Candle), and goes around lighting each of the Quarter Candles in turn, then the Goddess and God candles, and then any others to be lit. As each is lit, she says:
Burn bright, through the night. Fill this space with Divine Light.
Incense Lighting
Fresh mint is crushed and dropped into heated water by the Maiden, who breathes it deeply. Then she speaks:
Be our prayers uplifted into the waiting arms of our Lord and Lady.
Maiden moves to the East to cense/sage people as they enter, and waits.
Water Exorcism
HPS dips her athame into the water and recites:
I exorcise thee, O creature of water, that thou cast out from thee all the impurities and uncleanliness of the world of phantasm. In the names of our Lord and Lady.
Salt Blessing
HPS dips her athame into the salt and recites:
Blessings be upon thee, O creature of salt; let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth from thee, and let all good enter within. Wherefore do I bless and consecrate thee, that thou mayest aid me. In the names of our Lord and Lady.
Combined Blessing
HPS sprinkles 3 parts of salt into the water bowl and recites:
Salt and water, where thou art cast,
No spell nor adverse purpose last
Without complete accord in me.
And as I will, so mote it be.
Circle Casting
(Music: Invocation by Lisa Thiel)
Done with the sword: HPS goes around 3 times – first at ground level; second at waist level; third at shoulder level.
This is a time that is not a time,
in a place that is not a place,
on a day that is not a day.
I stand at the threshold between the worlds,
before the Veil of the Mysteries.
(north to east) I cast this Circle, this sphere, out of time and space...
(east) cast with mental and magickal imagery...
(south) cast with passion and power...
(west) cast with emotional energy...
(north) cast in strength and stability...
This Circle of Power is a boundary
Between the world of mortals
And the realms of the Mighty Ones.
This Circle is a place of safety to meet and learn and love and mourn.
This Circle is a place of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. So mote it be!
Quarter Calls
Guardians of the East, Lords of Air;
Grant us knowledge, intuition, and inspiration;
Let new beginnings spring forth within us this Samhain eve.
We ask you to join us...
So mote it be!
(Ring bell, draw pentagram with incense, walk around Circle with it)
Guardians of the South, Lords of Fire;
Grant us energy, heat, and passion;
Let our Will push us forth this Samhain eve.
We ask you to join us...
So mote it be!
(Ring bell, draw pentagram with fire candle, walk around Circle with it)
Guardians of the West, Lords of Water;
Grant us creativity, attunement to the Mysteries, and love;
Let our emotions guide us well this Samhain eve.
We ask you to join us...
So mote it be!
(Ring bell, draw pentagram with water chalice, walk around Circle with it)
Guardians of the North, Lords of Earth;
Lords of Death, and Initiation, and Re-birth;
Grant us peaceful silence, grounding, and stability;
Let our minds soar, but our feet be firmly planted this Samhain eve.
We ask you to join us...
So mote it be!
(Ring bell, draw pentagram with salt, walk around Circle with it)
HPS shall cut a door and let people into Circle. Each shall be greeted and anointed with oil by HPS and saged by Maiden. HPS shall close the door when everyone is in.
Lord and Lady Call
HPS shall stand by altar and speak:
Oh Deathless Ones!
Gods of starry heaven, broad earth, and the great below,
Hear us, our Gods! Hear and attend.
Bless us with your presence,
and allow us to honor you, and be honored by you.
So mote it be!
HPS shall then walk to the center and speak:
Samhain is the night of the Dead, the night which, according to the Celts, was not truly a part of the rest of the year. Samhain eve is the night that is between the old year and the new. It is a time when the souls of those who have died in the past months finally pass on to the Otherworld. Because the Veil between our world and the next is very thin on this night, we can sometimes catch glimpses of the past, or the future.
To the west is an altar, containing some items that belong to our Sacred Dead. We will dance our way, from our world to theirs, to the Land of Tir Na nOg, where the threshold is thinnest. When we stop, each of you will approach the altar. Take a moment to pause and reflect on the life and joys of those you are celebrating tonight. If you wish, speak the name or a few words. Please keep this brief so that all may have a chance to participate. When you are done, follow my lead.
Spiral Dance
(Music: Defeat of the Red Branch by Mychael and Jeff Danna)
The Spiral Dance shall be performed, spiraling inward deosil, then outward widdershins, until the spiral becomes a circle, at which point the HPS will slow the dance, and stop. She will say her own words, then add herself to the end of the circle. The next person will go, and repeat this process until all are done. The dance will then start up again very slowly, spiraling inward widdershins and then out deosil once again.
(Music: Lullaby by Loreena McKennitt)
HPS will bring out the cauldron filled with water, with pennies in the bottom. She will arrange it so that candle light flickers off the water, and invite people to come forward as directed. She says:
On this night, as on Beltaine Eve, the veil between the worlds is thin. Samhain, All Hallow's Eve, is the night of mystery and darkness, and it is considered to be the Celtic “New Year” celebration. It is traditional on Samhain to practice forms of divination... tarot, runes, psychometry... and scrying. Scrying is a method of looking into a dark glass or bowl of water, defocusing your eyes, and letting your mind see what it will. Tonight, we'll look into the cauldron, as befits Samhain eve.
Stand or sit by the cauldron so that you can see within but can also see the candle light reflected off it. You should let your eyes relax, let them blur slightly, and gaze into the water. You should look beyond the water's surface, as if you were trying to see something deep inside. We'll take a few moments to do this. When you are done, step back and allow others to come forward.
Allow the scrying to go on for a little while. Don't let people get too cold.
HPS speaks of the season, of the time of Winter that comes. She says:
While the sun shone high and strong,
Earth our Mother labored long.
Soul and body she has blessed;
Comes now the time for Her to rest.
It is time now for the Mother to resign her sovereignty, time for her to step down. Winter is not her time, and winter is almost here.
For six moons, all that lives has rejoiced in Her radiance;
By her power the Earth bore fruit and the cattle grew fat upon the hills.
Bounteous was Summer's reign;
Harvest the golden grain
Ripened fruits are gathered in
Winter's food is stored within.
Yet autumn wind plucks leaf from tree,
From barren fields the caff blows free.
From summer's warmth to winter's cold
Now the Mother is growing old.
While leaf and branch prepare to sleep,
The red stags through the woods do leap,
When wind makes blood sing in the vein,
The time has come for the Lord to reign.
The Lady's harvest is gathered, her children grown, harvested, winnowed, set up. It's time for the darkness to triumph, and for Winter to rule the world once more. But the Lady's time is not ended in truth, because she is not only Mother, not just Maiden, but also the Dark Crone. The Mother is timeless in her own way, but the Crone is wisdom incarnate. It is She who holds the power of the darkness and the night.
Summer's golden time is done
With the waning of the sun;
After Winter's snow and rain,
Summer's joy will come again!
All that was prisoned is set free,
The season's cycle circles on.
Now is the power of change released;
As we have willed, so be it done.
Chalice Blessing
A male shall hold the athame, and a female the chalice, and so the blessing shall be done.
As the athame is to the male,
So the chalice is to the female;
And conjoined, they become one in truth
For there is no greater power in all the worlds
Than that of two people joined in the bonds of love.
Fruit Blessing
Fruit should be pomegranate and other seasonal fruits (apples, pears, etc.) in a bowl. HPS speaks:
We give thanks to the fruits of field and flower
Your sacrifice is not in vain.
Your death provides us with life
And your energy becomes our energy,
And we become you.
We pray to you to share with us what gifts you can,
And thank you, and honor you.
So mote it be.
HPS and couple should partake of the fruit and wine, and then share it with everyone else. Then the HPS will speak about those who have passed on, thus:
To those whose feet are stilled
And those who laugh with us no more
To you we say, our love was with you here
And goes with you hence
To that place where you rest and revel.
May the dark Lord and sweet Lady
Guide your feet along the rocy paths
To the place where all is fresh and green
And lovers, friends, and ancestors wait
With open arms to greet you.
Go in peace, and with our blessing.
Be rested and return when the Lady deems it fit
With the countless turns of the Great Wheel.
We shall miss you.
We shall meet you again in the green places of Her domain.
HPS shall gather everyone into a circle, holding hands, and lead them in the dismissals.
God and Goddess Farewell
Lord and Lady, we thank you for being with us tonight.
We ask that you bless each of us with comfort, love, and joy.
Through good times and bad, be with us, always.
And ere ye depart to your lovely realms, we bid you hail, and farewell.
Quarter Dismissals
Glory be to thee
Oh living ones of light
May we forever be
Upon thy path of right
Blessed be the ones we are within
Are now
And ever shall be.
So mote it be.
Circle Opening
(Music: Sons of Eisnech by Mychael Danna)
The Maiden shall take the Fire candle around the Circle once widdershins, then give it to the HPS. Another shall go around a second time with the sword. The HPS shall go last, carrying the Fire candle and extinguishing each of the other candles as she goes. When Fire is all that is left, she will return it to the altar and pinch it out. Stand for a few moments in the darkness before saying:
In darkness we began. In darkness we shall end. And so I say, all ye entities heregathered, I give ye leave to depart in peace. Stay if you will, go if you must. May the peace of the Goddess go with us in our hearts... Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again!